Tag Archives: Music
What I’ve been listening to
Newsletter subscribers get a monthly update on tunes that I’m digging in addition to a music for massage mix (quarterly). The next massage mix is in the Spring of 2015. Sign up to get it! Click here to sign up. … Continue reading
Hardcore Smoothie
Check out John Joseph from hardcore band, the Cro-Mags’ recipe for a cleansing, energy-boosting smoothie from the Munchies feature on the Vice Channel. Who knew hardcore and smoothies can be so entertaining (and tasty!) Fits right in with Newsletter #11 … Continue reading
Cymatik! Interactive Sound Event highlights
Last night I went to a fellow sound/music practitioners event, Cymatik. He had set up an amazing interactive installation for people to experience the powerful effects of sound through Cymatics. Congrats Phillip on the successful event! Your browser does not … Continue reading
Entire stream of Black Classical History of Spiritual Jazz
Check out the entire 12 hour stream of “Black Classical History of Spiritual Jazz” from which the Somata Wellness newsletter subscriber mix was derived. It’s way out! http://archive.org/details/BlackClassicalSpiritualJazz19552012
Landfill Harmonic
Please help spread the word about this film! Children in Paraguay who would otherwise not be able to afford classical instruments, use some made from trash found in a landfill. The trailer had me tearing up a bit. If the … Continue reading
More on Ragas
In researching which raga to include on the newsletter mix (sign up to receive the next bi-monthly mix, only available to subscribers!), I found some amazing youtube videos of more ragas in the same vein. One could get lost in … Continue reading
Healing Power of Music
On my previous blog, Soundness, I posted this youtube video of fellow Sound/Music facilitator AJ Block playing didgeridoo, extolling the virtues of its low vibrations and its wonderful effects on my ailing digestive system. I’m happy to also share with you … Continue reading
Character playlists
Here is a great example of what personalized playlists can do. Big ups to actor Michael K Williams for sharing the playlist that inspired his love-to-hate character Omar from The Wire. http://www.vulture.com/2012/09/michael-k-williams-reveals-his-omar-from-the-wire-mix.html “Music is always a part of my characters’ … Continue reading