Asparagus is here! Back when I had to do a parasite cleanse and was slowly getting back to solid foods (you can read all about the cleanse here), vegetable puree was a godsend. I particularly enjoyed asparagus soup. It’s not only really easy, but a GREAT way to get people who don’t like vegetables to eat them. It’s savory and filling! Did I also mention it’s an excellent gentle way to cleanse?
You’ll need:
A bunch of asparagus (about a 1/2 pound)
2 cups chicken and/or vegetable broth
1 small onion
1/2 lemon
2 tbsp olive oil
1 clove garlic (optional)
2 thin slices ginger (optional)
salt and pepper
sprig of cliantro
In a skillet, heat 1 tbsp olive oil with the onions, thinly sliced (add garlic and ginger here if desired). Cook until translucent. Add in the asparagus, cut into about 1/2 inch pieces with salt and pepper to season. Cook about 5 minutes. Add in the broth and bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce to simmer about 15-20 minutes. Take off heat and let cool slightly. Stuff the now tender asparagus in a blender (I use an immersion/hand blender) and puree. Add more liquid (water or more broth) to get desired soupiness. For a smoother texture, strain any small fibers through a cheesecloth.
Squeeze in 1/2 lemon and drizzle with the remaining olive oil. Top with a sprig of cilantro
There you have it.
Bonus: You can have chilled asparagus with this recipe, too! Just stick it in the fridge for a couple hours or even overnight.
*some of the measurements above were nabbed from a recipe found on I’m so bad at measurements — I always just eyeball and taste as I go along. You can find the original here.